00:18:34 Bill Nevins: Congratulations Zach and Mars! 00:18:55 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm): Thank you! 00:19:53 EllenEllen NolanEllen: qIf you are going to get lost, have fun with it. 00:21:23 elizabethmcpherson-darrow: Elizabeth—Placitas 00:21:39 Basia Miller: Basia - in Santa Fe 00:22:01 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Bill Nevins in Black Lake (Angel Fire) NM 00:22:37 Marcial Delgado: Marcial-South Valley 00:22:39 kuan: Kuan and I am in Rio Communities 00:23:09 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm) Albuquerque: Mars! Good morning brother 00:23:34 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Go Cyvil. 00:23:57 John Roche: Hi Marcial! 00:24:07 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Mars como esta compa? 00:24:25 eldannysolis: Danny Solis, NM expatriate, now in Minnesota 00:24:28 John Roche: Jules has a school meeting this morning, but says hi! 00:24:46 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Hola Danny, hows the weather up north? 00:25:22 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Winged canisters. Cones blossom into blooms 00:25:28 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm) Albuquerque: lovely 00:25:33 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Bravo, Cyril. Fine images 00:26:12 eldannysolis: Hey bill, pretty raw this morning, weatherize, other than that , good, thanks 00:27:25 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Fine here Danny. Come visit when you can. We got room for ya anytime in Burque or Black Lake. 00:29:47 eldannysolis: Thanks ! Sometime this summer… 00:30:24 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: So we have increased paid memberships. Do we have that broken down by Chapters? 00:55:33 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Thank you Terri. Wonderful work you have done and do. 00:55:43 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm) Albuquerque: Thank you Terri! 01:03:02 loucimalore: Thank You Terri. Outstanding work, for a difficult job. 01:03:30 Basia Miller: I second Loucimalore’s praise, Terri. 01:03:52 John Roche: Thank you, Terri! 01:07:22 John Roche: Gary Worth Moody gave a wonderful workshop. He’ll be featured this Tuesday evening in our Kaktus Poetry series, along with Kitty Jospe. 01:10:47 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Thank you Bernadette. Be well. 01:11:03 Terri Klein: Thank you, Bernadette!! 01:11:17 Basia Miller: Thank you, Bernadette 01:11:24 John Roche: Thank you for everything, Bernadette! 01:11:33 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm) Albuquerque: Anything we achieve in the future will be built on the work that all of you have done before us to build a foundation 01:11:46 Scott Wiggerman: "The Apophatic Impulse: Negative Predicate in Poetry" was the title of Gary Worth Moody's workshop! 01:11:51 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm) Albuquerque: so thank you for all that you have done 01:12:36 loucimalore: Thank You Bernadette. Wonderful job in a difficult year. 01:13:08 Helen Knoll-Albuquerque: My internet connection is unstable. Just FYI. 01:13:26 meganbaldrige: Thanks Terri, Bernadette, and Dino for doing so much behind the scenes work that supports this organization. Scott your Albuquerque workshop meetings this year were all amazing! Thank you all. 01:13:42 John Roche: The Santa Fe convention certainly put us on good footing nationally! 01:14:16 loucimalore: Second to Megan 01:14:38 John Roche: Thanks to all! 01:14:53 Basia Miller: Thanks to all in advance for the great convention this afternoon! 01:16:59 Zachary Kluckman (He,HIm) Albuquerque: Thanks Terri! 01:17:00 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Congratulations to all the new elected leadership! 01:17:12 John Roche: Congrats to all the new officers! 01:17:37 Marcial Delgado: Thank you 01:17:53 Scott Wiggerman: Bravo, all! 01:18:45 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: TAL! 01:20:16 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: info@nmpoetry.com 01:20:31 Bill Nevins Black Lake/Angel Fire NM: Thanks Terri. 01:23:21 elizabethmcpherson-darrow: You are so thorough, Terri. Thank you. Excellent ! 01:23:28 Terri Klein: use info@nmpoetry to inform Terri about Chapter Happenings (meetings) or any poetry events to go on website 01:24:30 Terri Klein: Sorry - info@nmpoetry.com