00:44:30 Nancy Helgeson: Hello Basia! Just listening. My camera broken. Need new laptop. 00:48:17 Nancy Helgeson: Hello Toti! I'm from Los Angeles too.Volunteered at Beyond Baroque there. Moved to New Mexico. 00:55:41 Nancy Helgeson: Lovely poem Basia! 00:58:04 Nancy Helgeson: Mary probably will be back because her tile is still here. 00:58:26 Hiram Larew: Tomorrow evening at 8 pm (Eastern Time), Toronto's Art Bar hosts a pre-recorded reading from and discussion of Mud Ajar -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/artbarpoetry 01:03:54 Nancy Helgeson: Michou, Loved the Jewish traditions references. 01:04:41 Nancy Helgeson: Hiram, moving poems! Love Ireland in the poem! 01:07:21 Nancy Helgeson: Vibrant river poems, Gayle! 01:16:56 Nancy Helgeson: Hello Marina! Profound heartfelt poem! 01:19:39 Steve arntson: Marina, I especially liked "stop, stop, stop" after the countries like a plea! 01:20:06 Nancy Helgeson: Thanks Toti! 01:20:44 Arthur Panaro: Toti Please, are you improvising your poems on the spot? Art 01:29:17 Nancy Helgeson: Beautiful poem, Basia! 01:29:43 Nancy Helgeson: Steve, stunning segment! 01:30:20 toti: The French voice is very tender, delicate, sweet 01:30:27 Hiram Larew: Thanks to Basia, Marina and All for this circle. Here's to Poetry! Bonsoir ~ 01:31:03 Hiram Larew: I need to head out as well. Best to all! 01:35:16 Gayle Lauradunn: Wonderful, Amit!! 01:36:28 Gayle Lauradunn: Goodnight, Everyone. Thank you. 01:41:56 toti: Beautiful 01:42:04 Nancy Helgeson: Thank you everyone and good night! See you next first Monday. 01:42:30 toti: Thank you, everyone 01:43:13 Arthur Panaro: Amit Sir…. Can you share your Email ? Arthur 01:44:06 toti: Basia, this seems to spell the painting behind Kathamann 01:44:15 Amit Dahiyavadshah: amitpoet0@gmail.com 01:44:29 Steve arntson: I should like Amit's email, too