00:18:35 Marissa Prada: If worse comes to worse....log out and dial in the phone number :-) 00:21:05 NMSPS: you should be able to share now 00:21:07 NMSPS: :) 00:40:48 Marissa Prada: What about Chibbi Orduna? 00:41:31 kuan: What is Chibbi Orduna? 00:46:00 Marissa Prada: Yes and corporations run off of year over year normal numbers....we have no real idea what's going to happen 00:59:38 NMSPS: Thank you :) 01:05:27 NMSPS: Let's please try not to crosstalk folks, so we can all hear one another 01:09:44 NMSPS: that is a point to consider Scott, I agree 01:10:23 NMSPS: But we may be able to absorb that cost from the money we will be saving on the venue? 01:10:28 Marissa Prada: $25 Members $50 non members with ONE workshop included. Additional workshops extra 01:13:14 NMSPS: I like the idea of charging $25 to members for the convention and the rest of what Marissa says… 01:15:28 NMSPS: Can we vote on the budget, please? 01:21:37 Marissa Prada: Zach can set up a meeting for the Convention Committee if anyone wants to come! LOL 01:22:27 NMSPS: Marissa and I will be meeting next week as well to discuss specifics. 01:35:51 Marissa Prada: Spoken by a man who's clearly edited anthologies LOL 01:36:16 Marissa Prada: Big anthologies run me 60 hours easy 01:40:48 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: For future discussion on e-mail: 01:40:54 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: Future discussion: 01:41:27 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: Announce the convention & date and invite pre-reg by Jan 15th at $5 discount ($20 member/$45 non-member? 01:42:13 NMSPS: Good idea, Helen. I agree to the discount for pre-registering for the convention 01:44:59 Marissa Prada: Get in the door with LOL 01:48:40 Marissa Prada: Get your son on that logo so we can get our materials out :-) 01:48:46 Marissa Prada: Free convention tickets! LOL 01:54:04 NMSPS: Sorry folks, I’ll have to leave at 8:30. See you all. 01:54:30 kuan: thanks Marissa 01:54:33 NMSPS: Thank you for being here! I am gonna close out pretty soon as well. 01:55:08 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: I'm ok extending pre-reg a bit but not as far as a month before (3/15) Maybe Jan 31st assuming you have speakers to identify by mid-Jan. We can send reminders to regular reg as well as pre-reg. Online pmt required as cks in the mail can't be easily time-cutoff. 01:56:52 NMSPS: how about Feb 15 01:57:04 Scott Wiggerman: I agree, Helen. 01:57:24 NMSPS: I think Feb. 15th 01:57:42 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: Whatever we all agree on. Announce it sooner not later and add details (speakers) as we confirm them. 01:59:00 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: Next mtg date? 02:00:23 NMSPS: I will propose January 2nd...so that we can review the proposed convention details and vote on them? maybe 6:30 pm? 02:07:51 NMSPS: How about we meet in February 13th