00:01:12 NMSPS: Greetings all, we will start shortly :) 00:02:23 Jules Nyquist: hey all I’m working late for another half hour tonight so will be having my camera off later and then will put on again, but will chime in by chat if I’m on the phone! 00:03:45 Jules Nyquist: I got rejected, Shirley! lol 00:04:40 Andi Penner: Hello, all! Nice to see you after so long. 00:04:57 Jules Nyquist: great to see you too Andi! 00:06:07 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: Good to see you, Andi. 00:06:50 NMSPS: Thank you everyone for being here tonight :) 00:09:50 Jules Nyquist: Hi Zak! 00:14:56 Jules Nyquist: good we are having a convention - yay 00:15:17 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: For those of you who don't know him, with me is my husband, Jesse Ehrenberg, also an NMSPS member. 00:16:33 John Roche: Will the pre and post convention events also be virtual? 00:16:51 Jules Nyquist: do we have a committee chair yet for the convention? 00:17:43 Jules Nyquist: april 17 Sun is easter 00:20:15 Jules Nyquist: are you having NM poets only for the anthology? great idea 00:21:58 Iris Gersh: Did we have a convention this year? (sorry, I have a little pandemic confusion/forgetfulness)? 00:22:52 Scott Wiggerman: I believe the anthology will include others outside NM--anyone who registers for the convention. Is that right? 00:24:15 Shirley: Must you attend the convention to enter anthology? 00:26:09 Andi Penner: Discuss during Q&A: How about a virtual/online publication, also? (a page or site linked to NMSPS website) 00:26:09 Jules Nyquist: yes a monthly open mic or reading specifically for NMSPS members sounds like a good idea 00:26:19 EllenEllenEllen N Sorenson: You can never have too many of them. 00:26:35 Jules Nyquist: also the NMSPS calendar is good for scheduling, the hardest part is probably picking a date! 00:27:03 Jules Nyquist: i’ve been lax lately with the NMSPS calendar but it is super helpful. Thanks to helping me with that for our events 00:27:44 Shirley: Our Society website is linked to the Federation website. 00:28:39 Jules Nyquist: yes! 00:29:57 Andi Penner: https://www.nmpoetry.com/wp/ 00:30:27 Jules Nyquist: yes awesome new website 00:30:37 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: Can you review why being members of NFSPS benefits the NMSPS members? I didn't hear anything about the NFSPS poetry contests last year and know nothing about what will happen this year with that. 00:31:36 Shirley: Zach, let the folks know about next year's BlackBerry Peach Slam and NMSPS role in it. 00:31:42 Jules Nyquist: how much time/board meeting requirements, etc are involved in that Zak? You may have more interest if you tell more about the commitment. 00:33:08 Shirley: Sylvia, I just wrote an article about the benefits I've found in NMSPS. 00:33:59 Shirley: Helen wrote up some job requirements/vacancy notices that will be going out. 00:34:04 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: I am referring to NFSPS 00:35:44 Jules Nyquist: https://nfsps.com/ 00:37:29 Jules Nyquist: when is the date again Shirley? 00:38:28 Jules Nyquist: found this https://nfsps.com/BBP3Guidelines.html 00:38:32 Scott Wiggerman: Job Descriptions: Secretary The Secretary is an officer of the Society and a member of the Board of Directors. They record minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and of the officers. They maintain archives of approved minutes of those meetings. They communicate the time and location of scheduled meetings and assist the President in confirming meeting attendance and in disseminating zoom links for remote meetings. Membership Chair The Membership chair is a member of the Board of Directors of the Society. They update and maintain the membership roll of the Society, including renewal notifications, acknowledging new and renewal dues received, de-activating non-renewing or deceased members. They report to the Board on membership statistical data. They assist in the verification of membership for voting purposes. They represent the interests of nascent chapters in formation. 00:38:44 Scott Wiggerman: Communications Chair The Communications chair is a member of the Board of Directors of the Society. They oversee all communication to the membership - web site, calendar, newsletter, social media, mailing services. Specifically, the Communications chair works with Chapter chairs, the President, the Convention chair and all others to identify scheduled events and update the website calendar. Additionally, the Communications chair works with Chapter chairs and others to identify local media outlets including newspapers, magazines, social media and others in order to list events with them. 00:39:16 Shirley: Sylvia, the benefits that the Federation offers to state societies and members will be subject of my next article. 00:42:00 Jules Nyquist: Do we have a newsletter chair? I think that is part of the communications chair also. 00:43:07 June Parsons: The description for ‘communications chair’ looks like a lot … perhaps a separate person could take on the newsletter, perhaps monthly ? 00:43:48 Jules Nyquist: agree, maybe have co-chairs or specific areas? 00:45:45 Andi Penner: http://www.nfsps.com/poetry_contests.htm 00:46:43 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: Thanks, all. 00:46:53 June Parsons: I have been intimidated by trying ‘submittable’ … perhaps a workshop could be offered that helps participants get their own ‘account’ set up, and including actually submitting their first poem to an actual publication ? 00:47:02 EllenEllenEllen N Sorenson: Maybe we need a base e-mail list in order to help share this information. 00:47:16 John Roche: Good suggestion, June. 00:47:20 Jules Nyquist: I think we have a membership list already Ellen 00:47:55 Jules Nyquist: that could be a workshop submittable - maybe a convention topic 00:53:19 Jannetta Lamourt: A led workshop - is helpful in this sort of situation. 00:54:28 John Roche: Thank you for offering, David! 00:55:09 Janet Ruth: I would recommend NOT using NFSPS as the Submittable model because it will be more useful broadly otherwise. 00:55:19 NMSPS: I agree with you Janet. 00:55:20 Iris Gersh: Thanks, David. I've been to some of your workshops at the Chapter meetings for example. 00:55:31 John Roche: Good point, Janet. 00:56:00 Jules Nyquist: that can be a benefit of joining NMSPS, help with things like submittable! Or other workshops and chapter topics 00:56:12 NMSPS: Great idea Jules! 00:56:26 Jules Nyquist: I would like to submit a workshop idea for the convention, are there guidelines or deadlines or ? 00:57:17 NMSPS: That is a great question Jules. Would you be willing to e-mail me? That way I can loop in our Chair and we could chat about it together? We are doing thigs slightly differently this year but I would love to hear your proposal. 00:57:28 Jules Nyquist: sure 00:57:53 NMSPS: Thank you! I will respond asap so we can discuss! 00:57:57 June Parsons: Thank you David, this is exactly what I am requesting, very kind of you. 00:58:13 Jannetta Lamourt: I think there is room for many ways to get the content out to everyone. 00:58:50 Jules Nyquist: also Silver City 00:58:51 NMSPS: I'm sorry, it is hard to see the hands that are up, because I can only see 5 or so windows at a time lol 00:59:44 Jules Nyquist: Festival of the Written Word in Silver City 01:01:21 Jules Nyquist: we used to do road trips, the pandemic has cut down on a lot of that, unfortunately 01:01:48 Andi Penner: When I was president, we did a road trip to Tucumcari (good event, well attended) and a poetry picnic in Roswell. 01:02:02 Iris Gersh: Welcome to Darryl, our new Santa Fe Poet Laureate!!!! 01:02:16 Shirley: We have a problem sending out notices on MailChimp because members block them, thinking they are junk mail. Others complain that they get too much mail from NMSPS. Perhaps we need a tag line so folks know that is a newsletter coming down the pike. 01:02:26 NMSPS: Greetings Darryl! 01:02:34 Darryl he, him santa fe: thank you 01:03:28 June Parsons: Welcome Darryl !!! 01:04:04 Jules Nyquist: Shirley, yes with Mail Chimp you need a catchy title and you can resend to unopened emails, etc. But email is kind of the only way to communicate besides social media, unless others have ideas on how to keep in touch? 01:04:13 Shirley: Azima, the RGV chapter in Valencia County has been talking about coming over to visit the Silver City River Poets, just on a road trip kind of outing in the spring. 01:05:08 Jules Nyquist: attend as a guest at another chapter meeting or an event to see what they are like 01:05:13 June Parsons: Shirley, tagline are perfect, quick recognition, and easy sort and locate for emails. For example, begin the ‘subject line’ of emails with ‘NMSPS’ followed by specific content title … 01:06:43 Jules Nyquist: I miss the poets in the schools program 01:06:50 Andi Penner: Me, too 01:07:12 June Parsons: Maybe different chapters could put their monthly meeting date and time in the NMSPS calendar, so when we happen to be traveling that coincides, we could drop in and say ‘hi’ ? 01:07:17 Jules Nyquist: it’s hard with the pandemic but maybe later... 01:07:27 Jules Nyquist: great idea June 01:07:37 Azima Lila Forest Silver City: Sorry, I have another meeting now - see you next time! 01:07:45 June Parsons: LOVE poets in schools program, it was sooo rewarding. 01:07:57 John Roche: Thank you, Azima! 01:08:52 Andi Penner: If NMSPS did nothing else but provide whole spectrum of poets in the schools across the state, we would make a huge impact in NM! 01:09:35 EllenEllenEllen N Sorenson: That also includes the blind community. 01:09:44 Jules Nyquist: yes Ellen! 01:10:17 Andi Penner: What is the current membership count of NMSPS? 01:12:08 Jules Nyquist: Are you posting or reviewing the current budget anywhere? 01:13:45 Andi Penner: Convention SPONSORS, perhaps? Bookstores, for example. 01:13:46 Jules Nyquist: we had $20 convention admission for the last few years if I remember right 01:14:23 Andi Penner: Right on, Helen! 01:14:42 John Roche: Good suggestion, Andi! I used to be on the board of BOA Editions, who always got corporate sponsorships. 01:14:55 NMSPS: That's a great suggestion! 01:15:00 Jules Nyquist: we don’t have any physical space to ‘keep lights on’ but it is virtual expenses. It would be great to see the budget quarterly sent out in the membership communications, on the website or the emails, etc. 01:15:14 June Parsons: The convention 3 years ago, some of our members contributed small prizes, to help defray costs and attract participants. 01:17:01 Andi Penner: Does this meeting end at 8? 01:17:03 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: Perhaps, at each meeting or at the Convention have a member recognition acknowledgement/award/note. I don't see Terri Klein here tonight but I know that she has done an enormous amount of work (bylaws review, website, treasury, convention, and more) over the last several years. 01:17:23 NMSPS: 8:30 at the latest, but I will try to wrap us up soon 01:17:44 June Parsons: Kudos to Terri Klein, for sure. 01:18:17 NMSPS: Absolutely 01:18:52 Andi Penner: Congratulations, Scott! 01:19:34 John Roche: Yes, Sylvia, Terri Klein has done a tremendous job over the last several years. 01:19:55 NMSPS: She really has done a tremendous job 01:20:11 Jules Nyquist: as long as you send it out with mail chimp and you put minutes of the meeting or the budget, that’s great. You can’t control who doesn’t open it 01:20:24 Andi Penner: We did have Awards at one time. I nominate Terri! 01:20:26 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: I have seen no communications from NMSPS for quite a while until recently. 01:20:35 Benjamin Green: I think I have receive maybe 4 communications from NMSPS in the last 2 years, 01:20:45 June Parsons: Monthly, and subject line start with NMSPS, for quick recognition. 01:20:50 Jules Nyquist: agree 01:21:15 Jules Nyquist: most organizations I’m in do monthly newsletters 01:21:27 Shirley: We have a Facebook page. For the devoted member following what's up, use FB 01:21:44 Jules Nyquist: social media is great for more informal reminders and frequent postings 01:21:46 John Roche: Yes, Facebook can be quite helpful 01:21:48 Jannetta Lamourt: You could do a larger newsletter quarterly and a "update" the other months 01:22:11 Scott Wiggerman: Great idea, Jannetta. 01:22:13 Jules Nyquist: and the newsletters used to be archived on the website as well so more thane way to access. or put a member password on the website access 01:22:18 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: A multipage newsletter may be too much. For sure no more frequently than monthly. 01:22:25 June Parsons: Some of us have never and refuse to use FB for security reasons. 01:22:42 Andi Penner: Agreed, June. 01:22:44 Jules Nyquist: that’s why there is email communication. social media is optional 01:22:58 John Hicks: Bullet points is good. A monthly newsletter is a LOT of work. 01:23:36 Andi Penner: Hello, Darryl! Thanks. 01:24:26 EllenEllenEllen N Sorenson: What you may do with thqat is do the basick points and then if people want more, there should be a link to that piece of information. 01:24:33 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: Congratulations, Darryl! 01:25:17 Jules Nyquist: we can have all the poet laureates do something - convention or otherwise 01:26:23 Jules Nyquist: here’s the link Janet https://nfsps.com/BBP3Guidelines.html 01:28:17 Andi Penner: I've hit my sitting time limit. Bye, all. See you on the next Zoom event, I hope. :) 01:28:27 Shirley: How do you spell his last name 01:28:42 NMSPS: Eduardo C. Corral 01:28:59 Jules Nyquist: look forward to future newsletter or other communication! 01:30:30 June Parsons: Yay Scott, poet picnic again would be great !