00:04:24 NMSPS: Welcome, welcome! Just waiting on our other folks and we'll get started shortly 00:26:23 NMSPS Zach: Debbi, I went ahead and added your name to the other NMSPS Raodrunner icon...please let me know if that worked on your end 00:37:43 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: zoom p/w is Creat1v!ty 00:38:42 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: zoom user name is: treasurer@nmpoetry.com 00:46:41 NMSPS Debbi: Attendance List: Zach, Bernadette, Helen, Carol (Exec Board), Shirley, Debbi (Consultants) 00:53:16 Shirley: I will call Scott and Janet to ask about official turnover date and to let them know Debbi is routing emails to abq_chair@nmpoetry to both of them for now.