00:08:23 NMSPS: Town Hall minutes have been sent to everyone on the board. 00:11:39 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: I'm here just finishing up another call right now 00:26:54 NMSPS: Marissa, are you able to introduce yourself, or do you need a few minutes? 00:32:00 Shirley: please mute when you are not speaking to reduce background noise 00:32:01 Jannetta Lamort: jannettalamort@gmail.com 00:32:28 carbo: carbor1405@gmail.com 00:41:33 Scott Wiggerman: Most officers and chapter chairs are listed on the website at; https://www.nmpoetry.com/wp/who-we-are/meet-our-board/ 00:47:58 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: I finished my zoom so I'm here now 00:48:57 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: ((We should look into Paypal registration for non-profits because over $10,000 and they send a 1099 out)) 00:49:10 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: annually 00:56:39 NMSPS: I'm sorry to hear that Marissa, I hope she is doing better. Keeping good thoughts for her. 00:58:38 Jannetta Lamort: You can always do a zoom visit -- 00:58:58 NMSPS: We may be able to carpool too :) 01:06:31 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: So we DON'T like getting all kinds of emails????? 01:06:33 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: hahahhahahaah 01:06:45 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: hope you laugh 01:11:41 Jannetta Lamort: A great job for exec board to come up with a list of their picks - and then offer up any other names not on that list 01:23:29 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: Let me at 'em!!!!!!! 01:23:31 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: hahah 01:25:12 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: of course we know that 01:25:39 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: I have a stash of haiku because of slam stalemates....so.... 01:27:03 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: I'm not so sure, auditions to me, personally, mean competition with more judgement. Slam competitions have guidelines & rules and scores to work off of from judges. Audition rejection is way harder....to me. 01:27:45 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: auditions also have parameters to meet a criteria, slam is just so diverse