00:34:45 Shirley: I move that, with our sincere gratitude for the service he has rendered the NMSPS thus far, with hope for his future contributions, and with respect for the reasons he has presented for his action, we accept Zach Kluckman’s letter of resignation as President of the NM State Poetry Society. 01:09:50 Zachary Kluckman (He/Him/All Love Always): So far, convention budget is looking good. And we will have our new anthology submissions coming soon, as well as a new contest (as soon as I find a judge) that I hope we can start around mid-march or april (still working on details) 01:18:36 Azima Lila Forest: azima@zianet.com 01:19:34 Jim & Helen (Silver) Knoll: Terri Klein is making phone calls to remind lapsed members: Please let me know if you have phone nos. for: Richard Boucher, Jessica Sanchez or Jennifer Schneider. 01:19:55 Zachary Kluckman (He/Him/All Love Always): I may have contact info for Rich 01:58:32 Zachary Kluckman (He/Him/All Love Always): I have changed the time for the General Meeting in the schedule to 8:30 am to 9:30 am :)