00:04:58 Marissa Prada / WIW / RGB: I'm coming back in on my other account :-) 00:07:36 Marissa Prada: Okay good that's not me...Helen try logging out and restart then come back in maybe :-) 00:07:53 Marissa Prada: Bernadette is clear for me 00:08:03 Marissa Prada: Her device may need to update 00:08:17 Marissa Prada: anyways.....GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! 00:12:17 Bernadette Perez: Good morning 00:21:56 Marissa Prada: YAY SCOTT!!! 00:23:28 Andi Penner: Thank you, Scott. You've been a fantastic leader. 00:33:26 Andi Penner: If you have the option to be on camera sometime during the meeting, it would be nice to see your faces again--it's been a long time! 00:33:53 Carol: Andi - thanks! love to see the faces! C 00:34:40 Andi Penner: How many members are there now? 00:35:06 Carol: I believe 158 members - will pull up the report. 00:48:55 Andi Penner: Kuan unmuted now :) 00:58:40 Marissa Prada: ((there is a MUTE ALL option the host has)) 00:58:46 Basia Miller: no audio 00:59:44 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: The sound is falling off nad is scratchy. 01:00:04 Andi Penner: It's also interesting to be a judge for other states' contests--interesting to be on the other side of the submission. 01:00:13 Basia Miller: helen’s voice is not coming through 01:01:32 Basia Miller: it’s better with speaker view 01:01:42 Andi Penner: Good point, Helen and Sylvia. Recognition and acknowledgment is an important part of membership. 01:01:57 Andi Penner: We want to BE known, I think is what we're saying. 01:03:21 Andi Penner: It would be nice if the Federation directly emailed ALL its members and invited us to participate in our state and local orgs and to submit to contests, etc. NFSPS should be reaching out. 01:07:03 Sylvia Ramos Cruz: I have not gotten an email with the newsletter. 01:09:48 Scott Wiggerman: nfsps.com 01:10:26 Jannetta Lamourt: If your email is in our NMSPS database - which is is as a member then you were emailed the newsletter. However, emails do go into spam at times you might have to "teach" your email program to not "Spam" our newsletter. 01:13:40 Janet Ruth: I've heard a number of folks in various places, not just NMSPS, that MailChimp has lots of hiccups. 01:14:12 Jannetta Lamourt: communications@nmpoetry.com 01:15:48 Jannetta Lamourt: https://mailchi.mp/c6ae1678f743/march-nmsps-newsletter?fbclid=IwAR26KidYl-Vfi4JhMc9F-p1fqYlvJ3-vIYUP1WSa-7q0SZ3h-kF-jRTnLag