00:13:56 Debbi Brody: artqueen58@aol.com 00:16:50 Michou Landon: https://thepoetscorner.submittable.com/submit/212204/the-poets-corner-and-maine-media-college-2022-chapbook-contest 00:44:57 toti: How gorgeous a piece, Dorothy 00:45:28 Debbi Brody: 2020,two 00:53:43 NMSPS: If you haven’t received the flyer for my new poetry book, Walking into Daylight, and would like to see it, put your email in the chat and I’ll send it to you! 00:57:49 toti: Yes, Basia, please send the flier - totihan30@yahoo.com 01:00:26 NMSPS: I’ll send it, Toti 01:01:16 NMSPS: this season of our rising thunder… 01:03:35 toti: Fascinating, Marina !!! 01:04:20 Marina LaPalma: Basia can you let Bill Nevins back in? 01:11:19 Bill Nevins: Beautiful haiku Basia 01:11:51 toti: These are wonderful, Basia 01:14:02 Bill Nevins: KFFR 01:14:12 NMSPS: KSFR 01:14:56 Bill Nevins: Thanks Marina, much fun 01:15:12 toti: Thank you, everybody 01:15:57 toti: Don didn’t have the chance to read a second time!! 01:27:18 toti: So many great poems. You are a fantastic group! Thank You