A grain of poetry suffices to season a century. ~ Jose Marti
April 2016 Newsletter Vol. 4, Issue 2

Language of Enchantment

April 2016: The State Convention Issue
Dear New Mexico Poets & Friends:

Our typical spring wind is blowing a swirl of dust and pollen, and the trees can.t decide whether to dress for winter or summer. We've dressed this newsletter in a new format to celebrate the season! A whirlwind of activity surrounds New Mexico poets who are preparing for National Poetry Month (APRIL) happenings all over the state--readings, book signings, performances, open mics, Earth Day art and poetry, etc.--including our own annual State convention on Saturday, April 23 in Albuquerque. And YOU are invited!

Please register now to attend the State convention. We sincerely hope to see many of you there--especially our many new members! At the convention on April 23, you'll learn about all that is going on in NMSPS and have the opportunity to participate in workshops, eat a wonderful meal with friends and fellow poets, and enjoy the spoken word. Thank you to Zachary Kluckman, Convention Chair, and Vicki Holmsten, Co-Chair, for organizing this year's event and to Debbi Gutierrez for facilitating the online communications.

See you soon!
Andi Penner
New Mexico State Poetry Society President, 2015-2017

Celebrating the Whole: Self. Community. Poem.

You are cordially invited to attend....

New Mexico State Poetry Society
Annual Convention
Celebrating the Whole:
Self. Community. Poem.
Sat., April 23, 2016, 10 am - 5 pm
Monte Vista Christian Church
3501 Campus Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM

$20/person (member)
$40/person (non-member, includes NMSPS membership through Oct. 31, 2016)

Please follow the link below to REGISTER for the convention by April 15, 2016. Pay online using PayPal, or mail in your check (see instructions on the registration page. The payment covers catering and lunch and venue).

It's a poetry jam!

NMSPS Members are non-members are invited to celebrate poetry. ~ Jim and Elizabeth Raby will host a book table for NMSPS members' book sales. ~ Andi Penner will conduct the NMSPS business meeting with reports from board members. ~ Jules Nyquist, John Roche, Debbi Brody, and Zach Kluckman will offer workshops punctuated my morning and afternoon catered refreshments, including lunch (by Blue Plate Special). ~ Scott Wiggerman will emcee an Open Mic. ~ Youth poets will offer a special spoken word performance. ~ And the day will wrap up with some performance poetry to send us on our way with poetry jam on our lips!
Register now for the April 23 Convention!
We will also have an online bookstore registration for members only. The link will be available soon at www.nmpoetry.org. Thank you for your patience.