July 2016 NMSPS Newsletter in Classified Ad Format!
Special July 2016 Edition of NMSPS Newsletter: Classified Ads, Help Wanted!
Browse this newsletter (and please scroll through to the end) for ways you can get involved and for messages from your fellow poets.
Wanted: Youth contest project leader. Responsible for obtaining poems by 6th-12th graders worthy of submission to national anthology that offers cash prizes and publication. Benefits package includes helping young NM poets compete with Minnesota, Texas, and Oregon contestants who now dominate entry pool. Opportunity for go-getter to develop and administer many contests at various levels. Sky is the limit. Email board@nmpoetry.com
Help-Wanted: Work in Membership Sweepstakes!
Local part-time work at your convenience. No experience necessary. Looking for individuals who can help get the word out statewide about the New Mexico State Poetry Society. Contact NMSPS Vice President Bernadette Perez, if you would like to help contact members and non-members during our fall sweepstakes and membership drive. Poets: Let us be heard! vicepresident@nmpoetry.com
Volunteers Needed! Join the NMSPS
Poet in the Classroom Team.
Great opportunity to read children.s poems to a K-5 class, conduct a poetry writing exercise, and listen to children read their poems aloud. Your one-hour commitment at an elementary school will be rewarding. Spark a child's interest in writing poetry! Questions? Contact John Candelaria, Children.s Poetry Project Leader, jjc-poet@comcast.net, at 505-898-4464.
NEWS! At the 2016 Convention, all three Constitutional Amendments were ratified by a quorum vote. In summary:
1. The annual contest name has been changed from "Our American Indian Heritage" to "Land of Enchantment," with the subject "borders, real or imagined."
2. A new member category has been created: Student, 50% annual regular membership rate.
3. "Chapter activities" eligible for Society funding have been specified as outreach only; chapter chairsmay apply for such funding.
LHelp Wanted! (Albuquerque, NM). Talented and enthusiastic presenters willing to share their knowledge and skills needed during monthly meetings of the Albuquerque Chapter of the NMSPS during 2016-2017. Let's continue the tradition of excellent workshops and presentations on a wide variety of poetic topics, starting Sept. 2016. Got an idea for a unique workshop? Got a presentation you.ve been itching to share? Written proposals now being accepted. Include: title, description (up to 150 words), and brief bio (no resumes!) with contact info. Proposals accepted through August 2016; priority to those most engaging to the Abq. Chapter (or those with the best bribes). Must be willing to work for little to no pay. Contact Scott Wiggerman swiggerman@comcast.net
The Personals!
Recently a member had an idea about a poet-mentor program. Great! Now who would like to volunteer to make it a reality? Express your interest by contacting board@nmpoetry.com
HELP WANTED: 2017 Convention Planning
It's never too early! Positions available: Committee Chair and Members needed. Chair: Responsible for all aspects of 2017 annual NMSPS convention by chairing planning meetings and delegating duties to other volunteers.Members: Meet to plan the 2017 NMSPS convention (determine the late-April/early-May date). Your chance to organize catering, workshops, open mic, bookstore, communications, etc. If interested in helping to create a successful 2017 event, volunteer now! Send an email to board@nmpoetry.com.
Newsletter Editor Position Now Open. NMSPS is looking for a talented newsletter editor to help us publish our quarterly email/online newsletter. Requirements: Must be an NMSPS current member with computer savvy and writing and editing skills. Duties: Produce a quarterly newsletter distributed primarily via MailChimp. If you have the requisite skills and time, please contact board@nmpoetry.com
NMSPS Board Seeks 2017 Nominating Committee
The election of NMSPS officers will take place in early 2017, culminating with the announcement of winners at the annual convention in late spring 2017. If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee to identify excellent candidates for the board/officer positions, please volunteer by contacting board@nmpoetry.com.
The Personals!
The NMSPS has over 150 members and a lot of great stuff happening around poetry. We would like to do more and be more, but we are limited by the willingness of volunteers to get involved. There is plenty of room in the organization for a historian, an anthology editor, a contest chair, a membership chair, a proofreader, more chapters around the state, radio programming, workshops, etc., but many Someones have to step up to make it all possible. Please contact board@nmpoetry.com
This quarterly newsletter is a publication of the New Mexico State Poetry Society which is solely responsible for its contents. The 2015-2017 NMSPS elected board serves as volunteer--President: Andi Penner; Vice President: Bernadette Perez; Treasurer: Earl Kious; and Secretary, Vicki Holmsten. Typos are the sole responsibility of the creator of this edition, Andi Penner, who sincerely apologizes in advance for their presence.