New Mexico State Poetry Society
Language of
August, 2015
Volume 3, Issue 2
Inside this issue:
.Sowing Seeds in the Four Corners |
2 |
Festival of the Cranes & |
3 |
Chapter Anthology |
First Mondays at |
3 |
Teatro Paraguas |
Do The Fibonacci! |
4 |
Highlights from the July 25, 2015 |
5 |
NMSPS Board Meeting |
New Mexico Winners of the |
6 |
Contest |
Take the Challenge??? |
6 |
Know Your NMSPS Board |
7 |
This issue welcomes the newly elected officers.
Check out what the chapters are doing.
Congratulate the New Mexico poets who placed in the national poetry contest.
Leearn to do the Fibonacci.
We???re on the Web!
From The President???s Pen
Dear New Mexico |
many resources |
to |
help |
poetic |
expression. Think |
Poets & Friends: |
us hone our craft and |
about how you came to |
It's a humid day. The wa- |
find our voice (individual |
poetry, |
and |
consider |
and collective). Our tools |
helping others make that |
ter is glistening, reflecting |
are basic and |
discovery while |
you |
are |
the early evening Florida |
we need is pen and paper, |
able. NMSPS has a Chil- |
sunshine. Humidity? Wa- |
or |
a |
simple |
electronic |
dren's |
Poetry Project in |
ter? Florida? |
Have |
you |
device. We can |
connect |
o n e |
e l e m e n t a r y |
opened the wrong news- |
with other poets in per- |
school, and we encourage |
letter? |
son, online, or by reading |
youth membership.... but |
I am |
writing |
from |
the |
their work any time. We |
we can do more. |
annual convention of the |
can |
join |
critique |
groups, |
Finally, |
have |
you |
write alone in city parks, |
National |
Federation |
of |
attend workshops, go to |
hugged a poet today? At |
State |
Poetry |
Societies |
open mic nights, or listen |
the NFSPS convention, I |
(NFSPS) in St. Peters- |
to podcasts. As members |
have heard poets compli- |
burg, Florida, at which I |
of an active state society, |
ment |
one |
another |
on |
have the privilege of rep- |
we |
can |
advertise |
our |
their |
work, |
their |
ideas, |
resenting the New Mexi- |
events |
and publications, |
their |
co State |
Poetry |
Society, |
and promote the cause of |
I've been hanging out in |
along with Shirley Black- |
poetry (expression, litera- |
the book room or listen- |
well, |
our |
stalwart |
cy, education, etc.) in our |
ing to panel presentations |
NMSPS leader. There are |
communities in ways we |
or |
participating |
in |
a |
some |
wonderful |
poets |
may |
not |
be |
able to, as |
workshop. |
There |
has |
individuals. |
been a refreshing gener- |
da State Slam |
osity of spirit here. Poets |
and |
many inspirational |
Second, as one poet said |
are good people, and we |
state society leaders who |
today, |
"Our |
youngest |
have a lot to offer the |
have been generous with |
writers |
will |
keep |
alive |
world, |
both |
locally |
and |
their time and stories. By |
our oldest form of liter- |
globally. In |
these |
long, |
the time you read this, |
ature." It's no |
light days of summer, let |
the event will be long |
average |
age |
of |
us remember to reach out |
past, but I hope to keep |
members |
is, |
well, |
older |
to one another. |
alive the ideas I am con- |
(myself included). Poetry |
sidering and the enthusi- |
will outlive and outlast us |
Peace for the journey, |
asm I am feeling for the |
Andi |
direction of our state so- |
one |
of |
how |
deeply and |
ciety. Here's a sampling: |
how widely future ge- |
President |
First, it's a great time to |
neartions |
will |
cultivate |
be a |
poet. We have |
so |
the |
art |
and |
practice of |
Page 2 |
New Mexico State Poetry Society |
Sandra Wheeler
Four Corners Sowing Seeds in the Four Corners
During our first year as the
Four Corners
Chapter, we were in it for ourselves while this year we tried to branch out and sow seeds for poet- ry in the area.
Usually six to ten of us get togeth- er on the third Saturday of the month at 2:00 to give and get feed- back on poems in
We want to be inclusive of the four corners area, and one of our regular members comes all the way from Utah. We are a far flung group.
Our founder, Vicki Holmsten, who served as our original chair, has become special projects per- son. Our new chair is Irene Ham- ilton. Secretary is Sandra Wheeler.
As part of National Poetry Month this past in April, we took on three poetry outreach projects.
Irene Hamilton, Coila King, and Sandra Wheeler represented the Four Corners Poets at the Farm-
ington Public Library???s Make- Do Friday series. The turnout was low but because people were so willing to engage with us about poetry, we had someone at our table for most of the hour and a half venue. We gave away eight different
On Monday, April 27, Vicki Holmsten, Coila King, Geney Stan, Gail Janezich, and Sandra Wheeler perpetrated a Guerilla Poetry event. We met at Good Will, armed with folded poetry handouts that we slipped into un- suspecting pockets of garments on the racks. Some kid???s sizes have such tiny pockets that we had to fold and fold again to get the po- ems to fit. Hopefully the new
owners will be interested in our offerings. It turns out that on Mondays Good Will offers an ex- tra 25% off, and as a fringe bene- fit, we each found something to buy.
For National Poem in Your Pocket Day, we met in the obser- vation room of the Riverside Na- ture Center. The members attend- ing for all or part of the session were Pip Howard, Vicki Holmsten, Geney Stan, Irene Hamilton, Linda Fredericks, Gail Janezich, Sandra Wheeler, and me. Donna Thatcher, the educational specialist at the nature center and a poetry lover, joined us. We read a wide variety of poems (our own, some classics, and lesser knowns) and talked about other global and philosophical issues. Personally, I think the continual infusion of po- etry kept the conversation at a lev- el that matters. Through the win-
(Continued on page 3)
New Mexico State Poetry Society |
Page 3 |
Dante Berry
Rio Grande
Valencia Chapter
Festival of the Cranes
Chapter Anthology
(Continued from page 2)
Our members also participate in on- going local projects related to poetry and writing in general.
A local community organization,
Identity, Inc., hosts open mic nights on the first and third Thurs- days of the month beginning at 6:00 at the former Andrea Kristina???s Kafe and Bookstore in Farmington. Sever- al of us have read. Turnout so far is small but mutually supportive.
The summer Poetry Picnics are
hosted by the Riverside Nature Center. These are the second and fourth Fridays of the month starting at 6:00. We meet at the center and move to shaded picnic tables for a picnic supper and poetry reading, our own or others. These are open to community members, some of whom share and some listen. All in a de- lightful setting. The last of these will be outdoors at the Farmington Public Library on August 7, 2015.
Some of our members are actively involved with the Bisti Writing Pro- ject, for writers who teach and teach- ers who write, is an affiliate of the Na- tional Writing Project.
Our chair, Irene Hamilton, has been invited to present a workshop at the
Bluff Arts Festival to be held in Oc- tober. As our monthly meeting coin- cides with one day of the festival, she has invited us to attend and got an enthusiastic response.
The Rio Grande Valencia Chapter (RGV) poets meet on the first Thursday of the month at Perk It Up Coffee Shoppe, 520 Baca St. in Belen, NM from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. We will not meet in July. At our June meet- ing the group worked on Cento and Exquisite Corpse poetry. The exercises were fun and in- teresting.
The group has a planned reading in Socorro to coincide with the Festival of Cranes, November
Jim Raby |
First Mondays at |
Santa Fe |
Poetry Trails |
Teatro Paraguas |
Chapter |
The Santa Fe Chapter continues to conduct its monthly open poetry reading the First Monday of each month at Teatro Paraguas.
There are usually more than twenty readers and several people who come to listen to excellent poems read out loud.
We also send out a monthly newslet- ter in which we list readings and oth- er poetry activities that will be taking
place that month.
All are welcome to join us on the first Monday of eve- ry month:
Teatro Paraguas. Direc- tions to the theater may be found at this link: home/index.php?n=Main. LocationMap
3205 Calle Marie, Santa Fe.
Page 4 |
New Mexico State Poetry Society |
Andi Penner
Do The Fibonacci!
If you are looking for a new form to infuse your writing, try the Fibonacci poem. Although the form is based on mathematical sequence, don't let the math frighten you. It's easy to master the concept. In fact, to explain it, I've written a "fib" for you. (I'd like to thank Chuck Salmons, President of the Ohio Poetry Association, for introducing me to fibs during the "Last Poet Standing" competition at the NFSPS convention in Florida.)
Introducing the Fib
To write a fib
you count the
one (zero is implied) and add
it to the previous number to produce the sum
for the next line. Dispense with rhyme. Just use your fingers and your brain to appropriate vocabulary for your Fibonacci refrain.
One one two three five eight
to where you began
to fib.
For more information about the Fibonacci poem, go to The Fib Review at:
Have fun fibbing!
New Mexico State Poetry Society |
Page 5 |
Vicki Holmsten
Andi Penner
Highlights from the July 25, 2015 NMSPS Board Meeting
The NMSPS board met on Satur- day, July 25, 2015, in Santa Fe. The meeting commenced at 1:00 p.m. Thank you to Elizabeth & Jim Raby for hosting the meeting and providing a lovely lunch for board members assembled at their Santa Fe home. Members present: Andi Penner, President; Bernadette Perez, Vice Presi- dent; Vicki Holmsten, Secre- tary; Earl Kious, Treasurer; John Candelaria, Special Projects Co- ordinator for Children???s Poetry Project; Jim Raby, Chair of Santa Fe Poetry Trails Chapter.
The complete minutes from the meeting will soon be posted on the web site. In the meantime, a few votes deserve immediate mention:
Slam of Enchantment. The "Slam of Enchantment" poetry community is sending a team of
four to the National Poetry
Slam in Oakland, California, August
Student Membership. The board voted unanimously to ad- just the student membership cat- egory in two ways. First, we adopted a new definition of stu- dent to include students of any age (instead of age 18 and under), and raised the student member- ship fee from $5 to $10, effective immediately. Welcome, students!
Quarterly Board meetings for the
October 24, 2015 in Albu- querque
January 23, 2016 in Belen
April 2016, TBD (stay tuned for the finalized date of the an- nual NMSPS
July 2016, TBD
The new board is working hard to improve our communication tools. Please bear with us (and communicate with us!) as we strive to promote poetry across the state.
Page 6 |
New Mexico State Poetry Society |
Bernadette Perez
New Mexico Winners of the
The numbered items below refer to the National Feder- ation of State Poetry Society's contest numbers. The HM refers to "Honorable Mention.
9. NFSPS Board Award
4HM - Jamie Morewood Anderson
Cedar Crest NM
10. Utah State Poetry Society Award
1st Place - Jamie Morewood Anderson
Cedar Crest NM
18. Indiana State Federation Of Poetry Clubs
5HM - Brittany Wyatt, Los Lunas, NM
20.The New York Poetry Forum Award
3rd Place - Ray Reeder, Albuquerque NM
25.American Indian Heritage Award
3HM - Jamie Morewood Anderson Cedar Creest, NM
27.Claire Van Breeman Downes Memorial Award
3rd Place - Ray Reeder, Albuquerque, NM
34.Barbara Stevens Awards Memorial Award
2nd Place - Jamie Morewood Anderson Cedar Crest, NM
37.Save Our Earth Award
1HM - Ray Reeder, Albuquerque, NM
40. Iowa Poetry Association Award
7HM - Ray Reeder, Albuquerque, NM
41. WyoPoets Award
6th HM - Jamie Morewood Anderson
Cedar Crest, NM
43.Gingerbread Poets Award
2nd Place - Jamie Morewood Anderson Cedar Crest, NM
46.Miriam S. Strauss Memorial Award
7HM - Jamie Morewood Anderson Cedar Crest, NM
Take the Challenge???
A word spelled out by rearranging the letters of anoth- er word; for example, ???The teacher gapes at the mounds of exam pages lying before her.??? What can you come up with? Have fun!
New Mexico State Poetry Society |
Page77 |
Know Your NMSPS Board
Elected Board
Officers and Chapter Chairs,
Andi Penner President
Bernadette Perez
Vice President
Earl Kious
Vicki Holmsten Secretary
Fil Peach
Earl Kious, Chair Albuquerque Chapter
Irene Hamilton, Chair
4 Corners Poets (Farmington)
Robert Reynolds, Chair High Prairie Poets (Roswell)
Dante Berry, Chair
Rio Grande Valencia Poets
Elise Stuart, Chair
River Poets (Silver City area)
Jim Raby, Chair Santa Fe Poetry Trails
Andrea Watson, Chair Walking Rain Poets (Taos)
Appointed Board
(Project Leaders)
Dawn Huffaker PL for Newsletter
John Candelaria
PL for Children???s Poetry
Debbi Gutierrez
Web Presence
Sari Krosinsky
NMSPS Calendar
Want your book included in the Members??? Book Market? Look for the submission guidelines on the NMSPS website. A $10
New Mexico State Poetry Society
P.O. Box 21825
Albuquerque, NM 87154
Find us online at
Notes from your
At our last gathering of the board, we came up with several ideas to encourage and excite our members.
I would like to know if we have some volunteers who would be interested in becoming a project leader for these various group of activities.
1.Welcoming Committee
2.NMSPS Members Open Mic
3.NMSPS Contest
4.NMSPS Anthology
5.Poetry literary with special intensity given to expression, Distinctive style rhythm and form. (Information for poet members)
If you would like to be a project leader and or have ideas in other areas, please send me an email.